.JPG/1920px-Capybara_(Hydrochoerus_hydrochaeris).JPG) |
A capybara for all of us in these trying times. |
Hi there,
I just got word from Google that they will no longer be supporting web hosting via Google Drive after August 31, which is how we've been hosting all our audio files for the podcast.
What does this mean? It means that the podcast may just like, break after August. It might just be broke.
What are we going to do about it? I'm not sure yet! I have heard that moving podcast hosts is a pain, and it'll probably be trial and error for a while. If you (yes you) happen to have any knowledge or experience with this sort of thing, I'd appreciate you getting in touch with me (wskbcast@gmail.com). Best case scenario is Drive just still lets me host audio files? We'll see.
How should you stay updated? The good news is this website won't be affected, so if you can no longer access the podcast on your podcast app, come here for updates or check out the Twitter @wskbcast.
What else do you have to say? THANK YOU for listening and caring about our little podcast. It means the world to us and knowing you're listening makes all the editing and host-moving worth it. We'll try our best to get back up and running quickly.